Dish The zine

Dish The zine

A zine that explores the infinite vastness of Black culture and lifestyle through food.

Role: Creative Director + Editor in Chief

To operate out of desire and abundance has always been a radical choice for Black people. To choose what feels good and walk in your birthright knowing that you are magnificent—simply because you are—is so audacious, we have been killed for it.

The inaugural theme of this zine is desire and abundance. This body of work was originally intended to be released in May 2022. I was inspired by the first summer after the height of the pandemic. The pandemic loomed over my mind, life, emotions, and everyday experiences for two years. I craved rebirth, hedonism, and newness after living for two years with deep uncertainty and operating out of pure survival. It was thrilling to suddenly be free and dream of all the things in life I had wanted to experience.